Friday 6 April 2012

HVAC Contractors Like Dual Sensor Controlled Air Conditiners

Panasonic is now bringing to the market a large number of air-conditioning systems with this dual sensor control.  The new devices are a favorite of HVAC contractors, because they provide the most modern and effective room temperature control solutions on the market. The dual sensor air conditioners incorporate Ecopatrol technology, devices that are capable of detecting human activity within a room and accordingly adjust the temperature of the air coming out of the appliance. The inventive air conditioners also turn off or turn down their function in locales where no activity is found, thereby using up less energy;which results in an increased power savings.

Intelligent Air Conditioning

Intelligent Computerized Air Conditioning
The market is now offering air conditioners that can think. Yes, the current trend in air conditioning are models that can feel the presence of human beings in the room and increase air conditioning flow to locations where humans are located and decrease cooling functions in unused parts of the room thus saving energy. Go to next section...